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INT 15h,  40h (64)       Read/Modify Profiles                     Convertible
INT 15h,  41h (65)       Wait for External Event                  Convertible
INT 15h,  42h (66)       Request System Power Off                 Convertible
INT 15h,  43h (67)       Read System Status                       Convertible
INT 15h,  44h (68)       Activate/Deactivate Modem Power          Convertible
INT 15h,  4Fh (79)       Keyboard Intercept                              many
INT 15h,  80h (128)      Device Open                                     many
INT 15h,  81h (129)      Device Close                                    many
INT 15h,  82h (130)      Device Program Termination                      many
INT 15h,  83h (131)      Event Wait                                      many
INT 15h,  84h (132)      Joystick Support                                many
INT 15h,  85h (133)      System Request Pressed                          many
INT 15h,  86h (134)      Wait                                      XT-286, AT
INT 15h,  87h (135)      Move Block                                XT-286, AT
INT 15h,  88h (136)      Get extended memory size                  XT-286, AT
INT 15h,  89h (137)      Switch to Protected Mode                  XT-286, AT
INT 15h,  90h (138)      Device Busy                                     many
INT 15h,  91h (139)      Interrupt Complete                              many
INT 15h,  C0h (192)      Return System Configuration                     many

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson